Cooperative international research projects

In the area of joint research, TIRI is conducting preliminary-stage commissioned projects and joint research with international academic and research organizations, and targets to establish a foundation for future cooperation. The following is a summary of the cooperation cases:

Cooperating unit Year Topic of cooperation
RIKEN, Japan 2020-2024
Development of Three Dimensional Metamaterials
Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (FZU), Czech Republic 2023-2028
  1. Development of ALD system with Joule heating for preparing conformal and biocompatible protective coating on NiTi stent
  2. Fracture-resistant TiO2/Pt composite protective coating on NiTi stent by ALD nanolamination
  3. Atomic layer deposited TiO2 and Al2O3 coatings on NiTi alloy
Interuniversity MicroElectronics Center (imec), Belgium 2014-2021 Advanced Imaging and Optics Applications
BIOTEC of NSTDA, Thailand 2019-2021 Rapid Genetic Testing for Precision Medicine
National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster (NAMIC), Singapore 2018-2021 Biomedical Applications and Additive Manufacturing Technology
Underwriters Laboratories (UL), USA 2017-2020 Biomedical environment construction project
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Republic of South Africa 2016-2019
Contact lens ultra precision machining technology applicable for Africans and Asians
Università degli Studi del Sannio, Italy 2017-2018 Development of Analog-to-Information Converter (AIC) Prototype Board
Australian Water Quality Centre 2014-2016 Enhanced water management through advanced monitoring and modeling
Universite de Technologie de Troyes, France 2011-2016 Instrumentation and measurement for integrated photonics and spectroscopy
Photonics Advanced Research Center, Osaka University, Japan 2011-2016 Production of ultra-smooth, ultra-thin silver films
Center for Information Storage Device, Yonsei University, Korea 2010-2015 Instruments for green living, energy, and the environment
Optical Data Storage Center, University of Arizona, USA 2009-2014 Application of CNT to TCO
Optoelectornics Research Center, University of Southampton, UK 2009-2014 Key elements of the structure of toroidal metamaterials